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Episode 017
Vania Castillo
Reporter / Morning News Anchor, CBS4 Local
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The Twenty-Fifth Wednesday of Twenty Twenty-Four. Another week, another GOOD conversation at the MFHQ. Today, our guest helps us understand more about the world of broadcasting. Recently reaching the 5-year mark with CBS 4, she has experienced a variety of roles in and around the station allowing her to sharpen the sword and become well-rounded with breaking the news. We dive deeper into the role of reporting the facts to your audience, and how emotion may or may not carry across that report. She tells the stories of her home, which can make an unbiased approach quite the challenge. But, with her commitment to the craft and willingness to study and see where she can improve have resulted in an ability to keep steady when reporting even the hardest of news. Our first collective experience with our guest was sometime during university which had to have easily been about 7 or 8 years ago. Yours truly, the boy, was on the other end of the interview that time around, but David and her had been working on a film project for class. Sometimes our guests go way back, and when we can personally trace back the growth like that, it hits juuust a little different upon reflection. Without further ado, we welcome to the HQ... VANIA CASTILLO.

1. 0:00 - Housekeeping
2. 1:31 - Introductions
3. 3:34 - Finding Your Way Into Broadcasting
4. 7:41 - Reporting, defined by Vania
5. 14:50 - The Humanity of Reporting
6. 21:12 - Where Does Opinion Fit in Broadcasting?
7. 25:43 - Getting Creative with the Facts
8. 29:08 - Well-Rounded: Learning All the Roles of Your Craft
9. 31:33 - Routines and Habits that Make You Better
10. 36:02 - Where a Reporter Finds Their News
11. 39:58 - Living in the NOW
12. 43:57 - Staying Grounded When Nothing is Grounding You
13. 47:25 - Always a Beginner at Something
14. 51:37 - Being Your Biggest Critic - Pros and Cons
15. 54:40 - An Introlude to Chasing the Story
16. 55:48 - Chasing the Story
17. 1:01:12 - Visualizing Your Future Self
18. 1:06:13 - As Much News in As Little Time As Possible
19. 1:12:35 - Finding Your Way Into Leadership Positions
20. 1:18:34 - The Impact of Mentors on Your Career
21. 1:21:20 - Getting Connected with Your Community
22. 1:23:27 - Outroductions

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