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Episode 019
The Most Vulnerable Player
Diego Ramirez & James Curry
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For today’s conversation, we were joined by friends who have been simultaneously growing a platform within the podcast space of West Texas. Forming around the 2022 calendar year, their project has steadily shaped into a consistent and credible platform that gives guests the opportunity to be honest with their emotions and transparent with their journey. Through their channels, we see different walks of life all experiencing the same roller coaster feelings of failure, grief, growth, success, and everything in between. The paths of these walks, however, may not be so similar. Their ability to open the room for this level of comfort is refreshing and inspiring to see within our community. Being a regular viewer of their episodes allows you to grow closer to your neighbors as you hear their pitfalls and triumphs, and appreciate them for sharing such personal insight. We have a special gratitude towards projects that are built on consistent and unflinching concepts, and what these two have built thus far falls right under that category. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, we welcome to the HQ... DIEGO RAMIREZ and JAMES CURRY, hosts of THE MOST VULNERABLE PLAYER.

1. 0:00 - Housekeeping
2. 1:16 - Introductions
3. 3:18 - The Most Vulnerable Player, Explained
4. 9:17 - The Toll and Rewards of Organizing a Live Event
5. 19:41 - Learning Lessons from Giving People a Voice
6. 23:18 - Can Vulnerability Cause Heads to Bump?
7. 26:33 - The Value That is Pulled From Each Episode of MVP
8. 30:59 - Current & Future Aspirations for the MVP Platform
9. 37:12 - Experiencing Burnout from Your Own Projects
10. 39:45 - Paying for Your Project Out of Your Pocket
11. 47:04 - The Timeline to Taking MVP Outside of El Paso
12. 50:23 - Using Your Platform to Grow Other Networks
13. 56:08 - Reminiscing on Gems Your Guests Drop on the Pod
14. 1:02:23 - Common Misconceptions About the MVP
15. 1:07:07 - Remaining Credible on Your Subject Matter
16. 1:10:01 - Habits Picked Up, or Lost, Because of the MVP
17. 1:17:24 - Staying Organized Through Your Digital Space
18. 1:24:53 - What Would You Delegate First If Given a Blank Check
19. 1:29:20 - Balancing Between Content Trends & Original Content
20. 1:35:58 - Closing Words
21. 1:39:03 - Outroductions

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*Organized by most recent episode