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Episode 020
Vanessa Zamora
Musician / Songwriter / Producer
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Wednesday number Twenty-Eight. A special week for Emmeff as our guest for this episode represents a lot of what our platform has strived for thus far. This episode, we feature a very special guest who represents many milestones of our Emmeff mission. Her own journey consists of a multitude of milestones, recognized more as rebirths to her, as well. With each chapter of life comes an opportunity to redefine yourself and to shed off the weights that got in the way of love. We hear how our guest has welcomed this outlook into her life with open arms, and we see how peacefulness can result from that. Naturally, most of our guests reside here in El Paso, Texas right alongside us. But, for today's episode, we also got to hear how music, and a career within it, is perceived by someone not only from a different city, but a different country altogether. A country not far off at all, we should add. Being from Mexico, she fits naturally here in the 915, and it was an honor to be a host for one of her frequent visits through la Frontera. Even moreso, it was an honor to celebrate the vinyl release of her 2023 record, DAMALEONA. An album that brought me closer to my latin roots and to embracing the cycles of life. An album that brought her closer to biggest love, herself. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, we welcome to the HQ... VANESSA ZAMORA.

1. 0:00 - Housekeeping
2. 1:16 - Introductions
3. 4:56 - DAMALEONA: From Concept to Album to Vinyl
4. 6:52 - The Emotions and Process Behind Creating DAMALEONA
6. 14:57 - Vanessa's Perspective on Songwriting
7. 21:03 - Vanessa's Perspective on Album Creation
8. 23:38 - Performing in Spanish Across the World
9. 25:37 - The Meaning Behind "DAMALEONA"
10. 27:35 - Introvert Extrovert
11. 31:00 - Embracing the Raw and Authentic Sounds of Music
12. 33:07 - Flora Studios: Creating Beyond Music
13. 37:22 - What Does Remaining Independent Mean to You?
14. 39:56 - The Most Important Parts of Growing Your Community
15. 42:52 - Learning the Business of Your Craft
16. 47:32 - Taking Your Music Outside of Your Hometown
17. 54:08 - Closing Words

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